we seek to hear it

Jesus stood on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, a few fish sizzling over a charcoal fire at His feet. He called to a group of fishermen whose boat was empty after a fruitless night. “Try the other side of the boat.”
This had happened once before, when Jesus of Nazareth had climbed into Peter’s boat after another fruitless night. That was the morning Jesus had told him, “From now on, you will catch men.” Peter and his crew had left the fishing trade and followed Him.
But Jesus had been crucified, and their dreams had died with Him. Yes, He had appeared to them three days later when He was resurrected, but they were still confused, unsure what was coming next. They didn’t have much experience dealing with resurrected Messiahs.
So here they were, doing what they knew—fishing. And again, the night was fruitless. But when they heeded Jesus’ instructions, they caught more fish than their boats could handle … and after they had dragged the catch to shore, Jesus invited them to breakfast.
Following breakfast, Jesus took Peter for a walk. Peter had turned back from catching men for God to catching fish for business, and had led half of the Twelve to do the same. Now Jesus asked him a question: “Do you love me?” Not, “Do you still believe in me” or “Do you trust me?” or even “Why are you here?”
“Do you love me?”
Our love, our passion for the Lord is His first concern. If I don’t love Him, the rest seems to fall by the wayside. But when the love is there, then sacrifice doesn’t feel as costly, service is a joy, worship becomes the natural expression of my heart, obedience grows out of deep trust and a desire to please, and witness happens because I want others to know about this One that I love.
Over these forty days—from Saturday, November 23 through Wednesday, January 1—we want to rekindle our passion for our Lord and return to the love we had at first. Brief devotionals each day and gathering together in worship on Sundays will help us reignite the flame, and a few simple activities will help keep us lit!
This had happened once before, when Jesus of Nazareth had climbed into Peter’s boat after another fruitless night. That was the morning Jesus had told him, “From now on, you will catch men.” Peter and his crew had left the fishing trade and followed Him.
But Jesus had been crucified, and their dreams had died with Him. Yes, He had appeared to them three days later when He was resurrected, but they were still confused, unsure what was coming next. They didn’t have much experience dealing with resurrected Messiahs.
So here they were, doing what they knew—fishing. And again, the night was fruitless. But when they heeded Jesus’ instructions, they caught more fish than their boats could handle … and after they had dragged the catch to shore, Jesus invited them to breakfast.
Following breakfast, Jesus took Peter for a walk. Peter had turned back from catching men for God to catching fish for business, and had led half of the Twelve to do the same. Now Jesus asked him a question: “Do you love me?” Not, “Do you still believe in me” or “Do you trust me?” or even “Why are you here?”
“Do you love me?”
Our love, our passion for the Lord is His first concern. If I don’t love Him, the rest seems to fall by the wayside. But when the love is there, then sacrifice doesn’t feel as costly, service is a joy, worship becomes the natural expression of my heart, obedience grows out of deep trust and a desire to please, and witness happens because I want others to know about this One that I love.
Over these forty days—from Saturday, November 23 through Wednesday, January 1—we want to rekindle our passion for our Lord and return to the love we had at first. Brief devotionals each day and gathering together in worship on Sundays will help us reignite the flame, and a few simple activities will help keep us lit!
Redeem your story
Here at Hope Church Chicago, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending. That's why we proclaim that we can not stop speaking about what we have seen and heard!
Service Times
4:00pm in-person
7:00pm on Zoom