40 Days of Praise - Day 2

Day Two

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8

I came to faith in Christ through a Bible study for teens. After I received Christ as my Savior and Lord, the wife of the couple that led the study would allow me to come by the house as she was going about her daily chores. We would talk about the Bible and what it meant to be a Christian. She would patiently answer my questions as she was preparing her husband’s lunch for the next day and tending to her home. I spent hours and hours there.

After a few years, I moved to Chicago to attend Moody Bible Institute. School was intense, especially since I was new to the faith and new to the Bible. I would try to contact her when I came home, but there was no answer when I phoned. Finally, after about 4 years, I reached her on the phone. I was glad to hear her voice, and asked if I could come by to see her. I was only in town for the weekend and Saturday was the day I could come by. To my great surprise and disappointment, she said that it wouldn’t work for me to come by because she hadn’t cleaned her house.

I had sat with her many times as she picked up and ironed, dusted and did laundry. I was returning to Chicago soon and wouldn’t have another opportunity to see her for months. Her home was an open door of welcome to me for years, but something had changed. I never learned what it was, and I never saw her again.

People can change unexpectedly and without warning. It is disorienting and can be hurtful. I still feel sadness at the disconnection.

But that never happens with Jesus. He doesn’t change. Ever. Not at all. He will always be there, always welcome, always love.

That’s another reason for us to love Him!

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